Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam Dan Visi Misi Persatuan Pedagang Alun-Alun Kaliwungu
Islamic Business Ethics, Traditional Markets, Traders' Understanding and Implementation, Kaliwungu Square Traders Association (PEPAK)Abstract
This research is motivated by the existence of traditional markets which are places for buying and selling transactions. This is still very vulnerable to the behavior of traders who ignore Islamic business ethics in running their business. As a result, traders will deviate from trading procedures in accordance with Islamic law due to their attitude of wanting to gain large profits by justifying any means so that consumers are harmed by practices that are not based on the principles of Islamic business ethics, such as hoarding merchandise. The main objective of this research is to identify how traders understand and implement Islamic business ethics at the Kaliwungu Kendal Afternoon Market as well as understanding and implementing the vision and mission of the Kaliwungu Square Traders Association (PEPAK). The type of research used in terms of the location of the data source includes field research. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that most of the Kaliwungu Kendal Afternoon Market traders do not know and understand PEPAK's vision and mission, so that traders have not implemented PEPAK's vision and mission. However, traders feel helped by the existence of PEPAK as a community or organization at Pasar Afternoon. Then, more traders do not know the theory of Islamic business ethics. However, in general traders have applied the five principles contained in Islamic business ethics, namely the principles of unity, balance, free will, responsibility and truth.