Optimalisasi Program Fundraising Zakat Infak Shadaqah (ZIS) Di BAZNAS Kabupaten Majalengka


  • Anwar STEI Al-Ishlah Cirebon
  • Yadi STEI Al-Ishlah Cirebon
  • Wiwi STEI Al-Ishlah Cirebon


Amil zakat, Fundraising program, Optimization, Zakat Infak Shadaqah


The method for managing Ziswaf in the field of collection is fundraising, the method used by BAZNAS Majalengka Regency in collecting Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds is by collaborating with the Regional Government to collect ZIS funds. The aim of this research is to describe the strategies and obstacles to the ZIS fund fundraising program. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data sources used to support this research are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interview and documentation processes. Results of strategy research carried out by BAZNAS Majalengka Regency in increasing the receipt of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds. Direct fundraising methods are Jemput Bola, Kotak Infaq and GASIBU. Meanwhile, indirect fundraising methods are QRIS, WA Blast, Flyer, Social Media and Image Company. The obstacles to BAZNAS Majalengka Regency in achieving fundraising goals are lack of innovation in collecting funds, lack of ability or quality of human resources (HR), socialization activities that have not received full attention from the community, lack of community knowledge, lack of community awareness and the economic condition of the community that is not yet prosperous.


