Analisis Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Pemenuhan Upah Laik Tenaga Kerja Industri Batik


  • Nono Hartono
  • Ernika Ernika

Kata Kunci:

Labor Housing Units, , Minimum Wage, Multiple Linear Regression, Needs Decent Living


Batik industry was an excellent product of Plered that have been set by the Government, especially Cirebon. Cirebon Regency was the largest industrial centers batik in West Java, because many industry batik in Plered and many people worked  as batik artisans in Plered. The existence of an industry is expected to have many benefits not only for the manufacturers but also for its workforce. The purpose of this research was (1) Identifying the wages received by the batik industry workforce housing units has met the needs of the eligible. (2) Analyze the Economic Outlook of the Islamic labor waging system unit home batik Subdistrict Plered (3) Composing model waging a be eligible on batik home Sub unit Plered. This research used purposive sampling with population of batik industry is a labor of a home unit. Analytical tool used was Multiple Linear Regression. Results the regression show that factors that influence significantly to levels of wage labor unit home batik industry is a long work day, work experience and operational cost, whereas other variables was not significant. Therefore, to increase the wages in order to acquire the necessary life worthy remuneration models that were eligible on the batik industry, are with a view to the verses that have been described in the Qur'an. Wage system that occurred in the housing unit labor could be said to be in accordance with the provisions of the contract of Ijarah, although the amount is not yet worthy but it is in conformity with the customs and traditions in the society Plered and workers batik housing unit no matter anything, as well as the delay in wages


